Increasing employee motivation
Employee motivation is a constant challenge at work. Supervisors and managers go the hard way, especially in work environments that do not emphasize employee satisfaction as part of an accepted and supported overall business strategy. On the one hand, they recognize their power in getting the best employees they have to offer, while on the […]
10 Steps to Protect Your House When You Go on Holiday
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are 10 percent more burglars in summer than in winter. In addition, the rate of victimization of household property also rises in the hottest months of the year. This time of year also happens to be when most of us pack our bags and go on holiday. […]
Professional Approach
Occupational safety is not easy to meet. The best private security companies always put customer needs first, after the safety of the public and employees, of course. Professionalism is for exceptional service. Elite service comes from excellent management through strong leadership. It starts at the beginning. Professional security officers should follow their professional leaders. Here […]